ACUNS Annual Meeting 2024: Art and Culture of Peace In Diversified and Divided World (15/06/24)


ACUNS Annual Meeting 2024

United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan

FRI-C7 Roundtable

2:00 – 3:15 pm, Friday, 21 June 2024

The Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states that “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” The United Nations expressed its understanding of peace in its resolution 53/243 of 1999, Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, that “peace not only is the absence of conflict but also requires a positive, dynamic, participatory process where dialogue is encouraged, and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation,” and recognized that the end of the Cold War had widened possibilities for strengthening a culture of peace.

This working group session will allow the participants to present their understanding of the relationship between culture and peace as the world is again divided by opposing groups with diversified cultures and ideologies. The group will examine, in particular, the core values and principles of

For more information, please click here. (15/06/24)


Asian Perspectives: Making, Keeping and Sustaining Peace (21/06/2023)


The following is a summary of statements made at the ACUNS Annual Meeting by the heads of the three academic associations of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, namely Ms. HU Wenli, Vice-President and Director-General of UNA-China, Professor YAMADA Tetsuya of Nanzan University and President of the Japanese Association of the United Nations Studies (JAUNS); and Professor Dong Ju CHOI, President of the Korea Academic Council on the UN System (KACUNS). It also reflects the comment made by ACUNS Vice President and President-elect, Professor Franz Baumann, and the concluding remarks made by Professor HASEGAWA Sukehiro, Director of ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office and Distinguished Professor of Kyoto University of the Arts.


The Statement of ACUNS Annual Meeting in Geneva on 24 June 2022: Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo and Mr. LI Kaisheng, Senior Researcher of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (24/06/2022)


Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo and Mr. LI Kaisheng, Senior Researcher of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), China, commented on the Asian Perspectives presented by representatives of China, Japan and South Korea. Please click here for their comments.


The Statement of ACUNS Annual Meeting in Geneva on 24 June 2022: Ms. Shin-wha LEE, President of the Korea Academic Council on the United Nations System, and Professor Heung-Soon PARK of Sun-Moon University (24/06/2022)


Ms. Shin-wha LEE, Director of Peace and Democracy Institute at Korea University and President of the Korea Academic Council on the United Nations System, Korea and Professor Heung-Soon PARK of Sun-Moon University, Korea presented their views and perspectives at the ACUNS first plenary session on 24 June 2022. Please click here to read the summary report.


The Statement of ACUNS Annual Meeting in Geneva on 24 June 2022: Ambassador Takahiro SHINYO, President of the Japan Association for United Nations Studies (24/06/2022)


ACUNS Annual Meeting in Geneva on 24 June 2022: Ambassador Takahiro SHINYO, President of the Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) and Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, noted that the war in Ukraine is a crisis of the UN security council, and the NPT system, over the malfunctioning of the UN, centered around the security council, and disarmament of the nuclear weapons. Please click here for the full text.


The Statement of ACUNS Annual Meeting in Geneva on 24 June 2022: Ms. HU Wenli Vice President and Director-General of the United Nations Association of China (24/06/2022)


ACUNS Annual Meeting in Geneva on 24 June 2022: Ms. HU Wenli, Vice President and Director-General of the United Nations Association of China, stated that recent changes in the world are unfolding in ways like never before and is posing challenges that must be taken seriously by the international community. Multilateralism has been severely undermined and encountered an unprecedented adverse current. Please click here for the full text of her statement.


Direction of the ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office Defined by Online Meeting (27/07/2020)

Members of ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office, namely Sukehiro Hasegawa, Director, Ai Kihara-Hunt, Deputy Director, Herman Salmon, Deputy Director, Dahlia Simangan, Arbenita Sopaj, and Elizabeth Gamarra discussed how to reach out to the actual and potential members first in the Southeast Asia region and to hold its first online ACUNS Tokyo Forum on November 7. Click here for the concept paper.
