東京大学キハラハント教授と大学院生による東ティモールの移行期正義に関する概観 (29/11/2017)

アフガニスタン、オーストラリア、日本とネパールの大学院生が、元国連東ティモール事務総長特別代表と東ティモール受容真実和解委員会(CAVR)、重大犯罪プロセス(SCP)、専門家委員会(COE)、真実友好委員会(CTF)の意義と役割について検証(報告者 三浦帆奈)


Japan’s 25th Anniversary of the Enactment of International Peace Cooperation Law congratulated by Ambassadors of Cambodia, Mozambique, Timor-Leste, Haiti and South Sudan as well as former SRSGs Akashi and Hasegawa. (20/11/2017)

In a Video Message, Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General Sukehiro Hasegawa Explains How Japan Engineering Group of the Japanese Defense Forces contributed to infrastructure rehabilitation in Timor-Leste.


Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt: “Militarization of the UN Police is undermining its very strength of proximity with the community” (04/11/2017)

At the conference of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies held in Kyoto, Japan, ACUNS Tokyo Liaison Office Deputy Director, Prof. Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo, presented her findings on the militarization of UN Police personnel and the rise of Protection of Civilians mandates in UN peace operations.